Window Painting vs. Vinyl Wrapping: Here's All You Need to Know

Torn between choosing window painting and vinyl wrapping for your high street business? Windows have been the perfect muse for social dialogue in countless ways. Thanks to window advertising, high street businesses can now use art to complement their products and services to highlight what they offer. 

Vinyl installation creating an overall rustic look

Over the last couple of years, street art has established itself as a prime attraction in our community- its roots firmly grounded in London's heritage. From graffiti to wall and window painting, street art has proven significant in connecting local artists, brands, or ideas with the general population.

As a team of creatives and art enthusiasts, we come across businesses who want to incorporate street art in their advertisement process, spread brand awareness and engage with the local community. If you're looking to drive value to your brand and bond with your customers at a deeper level, window art might be just what you need. It is cost-effective, socially engaging, and aesthetically pleasing. It also goes a long way in compelling customers to walk into your establishment.

However, everything comes down to choosing the right form of window art for your business. While most prefer vinyl wrappings for their business establishments, it doesn't nearly have the same effect as hand-painted windows.

Small details of a hand-painted window display in London, UK

What makes professional window painting better than vinyl wrapping?

Business or brand advertisement via window display can either be done by professional window painting or vinyl wrapping. However, a painted finish is far superior for this purpose in many ways. 

  • Highly Affordable: Painting windows professionally is cheaper than vinyl wrapping them. The labour time is slashed in half. In addition, the material costs are lower because we source our paint in bulk from suppliers, making window-painting relatively affordable to our clients. On the other hand, vinyl wrappings are highly expensive to purchase, and even then, there are measurements to take!

  • Increases Brand Value: Window art advertising not only protects your investment but also breathes new life into regular or odd corners. This creates a solid, more permanent advertisement than vinyl wrapping, eventually increasing your brand value. Our team will understand the core values of your business and create a unique design to capture them. This effort does not go unnoticed by the audience, who ultimately frame the overall perception and values associated with your brand, allowing you to connect with them on a personal level.

  • Priceless Artistic Value: While vinyl is often praised for being easy to use, window painting takes much more effort, which increases its value far beyond this synthetic alternative. Hand-painted window display art is persuasive because it is felt. Art is a personal form of expression, and its authenticity describes a story that truly touches people's hearts.

  • Recreating Dead Spots: A window painting is a great way to permanently reinvent dead or unattractive structures within your establishments and turn them into extraordinary works of art. Nowadays, paints are available in multiple shades and can permanently transform an entire setup.

  • Street Level Advertising: If your target audience is the general population, your advertisements should reach them where they lurk the most – public spaces! While vinyl wrapping is as cost-efficient, it may come off as a cheap, standard method of promoting your high street business. Also, let's not forget that paint will last much longer, especially in the open. It can retain its appearance on windows for months.

Window Painting for The London Florist in North London

Why is Window Painting Great for Promoting Your Business?

Window art isn't a typical form of advertising; it's a conversation starter within the community and is a prime example of socially engaging artwork. It not only bridges the gap between your business's inside and the outside, but it also displays your brand's character. 

Here's is what window painting can do for your business:

Bump up your sales

Window painting goes a long way in promoting brand recognition. Being a socially engaging form of art, it will directly connect with your target audience. In turn, this allows you to position your establishment higher in the market, attract new customers, and increase your customer retention rates.

Cut down on your advertising costs

Professional window painting is much more affordable than print or digital media advertisement forms. In addition, window painting creates a permanent spot in public spaces, making it difficult to ignore. This gives it an advantage over advertising on social media platforms, where paid promotions often disappear in the audience's feed. 

Get your small business noticed

It dramatically enhances the visibility of small and growing businesses with budget constraints and limited resources effectively. Businesses at the end of the high street that are lacking in footfall can create a positive conversation starter within the community with window art advertising.


Unlike posters, billboards and shopfront banners, window paintings are immersive and thoughtful making it convenient for businesses to advertise their services or products whilst empathising with community values.

Key Takeaways

Window painting lets you create a unique look for your infrastructure, develop a community around your brand to eventually increase sales. A durable, high-quality paint job will also provide the foundation upon elements to be touched up and changed over seasons and times.

Furthermore, window painting adds an artistic touch to your brand/business, which helps you connect with your audience in a significant yet intimate way. The best part? No matter how you slice it, window painting lends a unique aesthetic appeal free of imperfections to take your brand to the next level. 

Looking for professional window painters in London? 

Now that the verdict is in, the next step is taking your business advertising efforts to the next level through window painting. At WeTheSeeds, we're ready to help you create an unforgettable brand image that not only reflects the products and services you have to offer but also draws in potential customers to your establishment.  

With a creative team of professionals and the ability to create neat, lustrous designs on any surface, you can look forward to long-lasting murals for your establishment made with high-quality paint. Let's get started.

So why not find out more?

So why not find out more about our London-based Creative Art Agency, specialising in public art marketing and public realm arts management?

Find out more about how we can help you connect with your community, we work throughout the 32 London boroughs and throughout the United Kingdom so why not find out more today?

We make public arts management a part of everyday life in the most engaging way.


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Window art display advertising & removal of window art