Window Art Painting for Christmas!


How can your high street shop’s Christmas advertising stand out? What will make people stop and interact with your business?

Why will hand-painted window art make a difference?

Baubles, tinsel, stars, trees, snow, sleds, white beards, red coats, stockings, reindeer, and so much more. The images of our beloved winter holiday abound, they are instantly recognisable and so numerous that more than one is certain to evoke a warm comfort within us. Christmas time brings us together to share in each other’s company and generosity. It also brings us out of our cosy homes and onto the high street to find those perfect gifts for our loved ones.


The festive celebration

Whether or not your business sells products or provides services that will be directly tied to the festive season, this time of year remains the perfect opportunity to drive attention to your shopfront and footfall through your high street business. No matter the nature of what you are providing, a coordinated advertising campaign, with interactive elements, will make you a local point of interest.

Any advertising team worth consulting would be able to identify this need during the holiday period but proposing an effective solution to this challenge is not so simple, especially during such a period where your competitors (other high street businesses) are likewise working hard to be seen. To stand out, to engage with the community whilst transcending its standards, you need an aesthetic, engaging feature to your brick-and-mortar appearance that demands social participation and inherently propagates brand awareness.

The Reality of Hand-Painted Window Art – Case Studies of Our Work

We all know how easy it is, when walking down a high street or through a shopping centre, to passively acknowledge the surrounding decorations and themed accoutrements, but you want something more than a pretty addition to your shopfront. You need a unique, functional, festive decoration that both celebrates the holiday and draws attention to your business in particular.

Xmas retail window display ideas in London

Providing effective advertising campaigns via artistic means is our specialism, it’s what we strive to do and it’s what we take pride in. This is the age of interactivity, and we are capitalising on that through novel high street window art installations. Take our work at Lawrence Rand estate agency, where our Christmas themed window art was paired with a touchscreen that any member of the public could use. We were able to give festive greetings to all whilst drawing in a unique kind of interaction on the high street. This blending of urban art and advertising technology drove community engagement and provided a memorable experience. Consequently, there was an ideal blend of social enrichment and aesthetic development within the community, resulting in a very successful Christmas window art painting campaign.

Christmas Hand-painted Windows in Practice – A Case Study of Ours

Another example of our interactive artwork was at Wraps&Wings, where we adorned the painted glass with a beautiful winter scene, featuring a quaint village, a towering Christmas tree, and a happy snow man. The seminal part of this piece was the Instagram selfie board. This encouraged locals to take and post a selfie of themselves with the mock-up of an Instagram post in view behind them, which in turn gave them a 20% discount. Naturally, people were motivated to receive the money off and spread word of the restaurant through the community. With the prevalence of social media, this is exactly the kind of marketing that works and raises awareness. And, though this was only a seasonal window art installation, there are clear long-term benefits because of the nature of the interaction. This interactive required clear action on the part of the customer and will linger in their memory. Moreover, that window advertising art installation lives on long after its removal in the form of posts and hashtags that will endure as sites for further discovery and engagement.

But Why Hand-Painted Art Specifically? Holly on Your Shopfront

Our process of hand-painted window art confers various advantages over both alternative means of display and competing methods of painting. The method we use creates a unique and striking layering that is designed to catch the eye of anyone walking by. The rich and vivid colours maintain their vitality throughout the lifespan of the work. Simultaneously durable and easily removed, our artworks are the pinnacle of convenience and reliability. Regardless of what British winter weather can throw at our paint, the art will not diminish, and yet our formulation is easily washed away by window cleaner or with some warm soapy water when you desire.

This is all made possible by our expert, innovative team who are all experienced in creating these highly detailed window art designs, each one unique to you and your business. Our high street window graffiti art designs will deploy the iconic images of Christmas for all to see, suiting both the holiday and your brand identity. These tailored pieces are artistically authentic, personal to your work, and the ground for a personal experience when encountered by your future customers. With one of our artworks, you can contribute to the jolly atmosphere and increase footfall within your high street business. We can bring these window art creations to businesses throughout London and the UK!

Let Us Give You the Gift of Success – Good Tidings for Your Business


Work with us and realise the nearly limitless potential that window advertising can provide. We would love to share some ideas with you for your unique, high street window art transformation. Reach out and we will assign you a dedicated campaign manager to get to work straight away. Your desire may be for Christmas themed shop window painting display or for one themed around another holiday – from Easter, to Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day, or any other that’s important to both you and your customers – just let us know and we are always happy to provide our thoughts. If you have a window, we have the specialist knowledge and experience with installing high street window advertising to create a success piece of beautiful and interactive art.

Find out how we can make your window come to life this Christmas by reaching out to us using the button below!


Estate Agencies receiving Painted Windows


How Window Painting Benefits Your High Street Business!