WeTheSeeds: Street art painting in London, UK


Bespoke street art experiences that positively inspire people, cultures and places.

Our London based Creative Agency helps you create environments residents can be happy in.

We The Seeds, We are the seeds, Seeds we are- we’ve heard all the different kinds of variations of our name! But regardless of what you decide to call (or spell us) - We’re a London based Creative Art Agency built by artists, with a true passion for keeping traditional artisan skill sets modern, alive and applicable in a fast moving world.

We understand that it’s hard to positively connect with communities, especially as each locality is different. That’s why we created WeTheSeeds Creative Art Agency, built to help our clients build social value for their organisation by connecting with communities through powerful public realm arts marketing and management.

Growing communities

At the crux of our London-based service, we create bespoke, public realm art marketing campaigns that help our clients connect better with people, places and communities that are often hard to reach. 

This may include street art style experiences like street art graffiti, street painting, stencil street art, mural painting or even 3D street art.


So what’s our process like?

Our process ensures we work with the best street artist for each campaign, a street art artist that is right for each project’s visual communication of ideas and messages that help showcase your organisation positively.

Whatever your message, our public realm urban street art experiences fuel the growth of communities by curating memorable environments, building positive talking points and bringing together diverse London communities.

Our Creative Art Agency in London is structured in such a way which doesn’t keep you tied to one painting style, medium or experience. Our engaging campaign strategies allows us to work with the best graffiti, street artists and urban artists that help our clients to achieve their goals and overall creative place-making objectives.

So why not find out more?

So why not find out more about our London-based Creative Art Agency, specialising in public art marketing and public realm arts management?

Find out more about how we can help you connect with your community, we work throughout the 32 London boroughs and throughout the United Kingdom so why not find out more today?

We make public arts management a part of everyday life in the most engaging way.


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Roller Shutter Art Advertising